Our 23rd Year of Publication

From Editor's Desk

Joining of plastics components is a practice of keen interest in the medical device industry. A large number of medical disposable products are assembled using different joining and bonding methods. Medical Devices are becoming more complex and more sophisticated, both in performance specifications and structural complex city. Bonding of medical components involves a thorough understanding in design, material compatibility, performance testing, assembly methods and regulatory affairs. As the requirements for the components increases, so does the requirements for joining them.

Considering the importance and interest to the industry, this issue gives a very comprehensive compilation of various methods of joining and bonding alongwith applications, features and advantages as well as limitations for the commonly required techniques.

National Medical Device Authority

The task force, under the chairmanship of the Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, has recommended creation of an autonomous body. The draft National Medical Device Policy – 2015 recognised the need for strengthening make-in-India drive for medical device industry. Based on this, Department of Pharmaceuticals has shortlisted various measures including formation of “National Medical Device Authority”. The draft lists various salient features for the policy alongwith the incentives to the industry, provisions for institutional framework as well as measures to improve affordability for the masses. The draft policy is uploaded on the Department’s web site inviting comments / suggestions from industry.

Mr. D.L. Pandya


System for Medical Device Surveillance and Adverse Event Reporting


One more important development is regarding development of system for medical device surveillance and adverse event reporting by Government of India, the implementation of which to be co-ordinated by Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute Of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum. It is expected that the information gained from the monitoring system will help regulators make decisions and recommendations based on domestic use of medical devices.


As per the World Health Organisation, Indian Medical Device Industry is not only “underinvested” but also heavily import-oriented. The WHO recently announced formation of National Health Systems Resource Center (NHSRC), the first WHO collaborating centre in South East Asia Region.


This issue, along with the cover story, also includes other regular columns including industry news, global trends, product gallery, “Did You Know’ as well as information on important industry events.

D.L. Pandya

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