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Med-Tech Devices Developed By Start-ups Stall Life-Threatening Fatalities Like Lung Infection & Neonatal Respiratory Distress


Novel medical technology devices developed by Indian start-ups for critical care are proving to be stalling fatalities among critically ill-patients in the country.

Only recently indigenous start-ups are creating novel technologies that are directly targeting unmet needs in India. Such technologies priced at affordable levels have the potential to transform the healthcare landscape if used at scale. These are only just beginning to be introduced into the Indian market. So the transformative impact will only be seen after some years, Siraj Dhanani, Founder and CEO, InnAccel Technologies told Pharmabiz.

Every medical device developed must solve a serious medical problem. We developed products for the lower-end medicare setting that do not have the infrastructure to support hi-end equipment and priced for the mid-tier Indian healthcare sector, he added.

Our products development teams identified the need in a critical care setting to prevent fatality. They spent three months in the ICU, emergency wards, NICUs and rode along with patients in ambulances. Thus came about VapCare and Saans devices which are CE certified and under USFDA approval process.

VapCare holds a US, China and India patent and has already evinced positive customer response from Indian hospitals. This device automates an oral hygiene procedure currently done manually in a patient under a ventilator which results in high risk infection and high rate of fatality.

Saans was developed in response to tragic situations of premature babies rushed to NICUs for ‘Continuous Positive Airway Pressure’ (CPAP), but succumbed during transport to hospitals. In the absence of CPAP therapy for a sick baby in transit, Saans is designed to provide breathing support to neonates in non-NICU settings. The light weight and battery operated device has completed the field trials. It received a Sparsh grant initiated by BIRAC and the Millennium Alliance programme by FICCI. Around 90 babies under the study reported cent percent success and no product failure. Here 24 percent of the babies were brought in ambulances and 27 percent in auto rickshaws with the remaining in hired cars or buses along with a qualified medical attendant to monitor and travel with the patient.

Going by the valuable benefits of both VapCare and Saans, the company expects a strong government demand. The product is going through USFDA certification, besides other global validations as InnAccel is keen on exports.

According to Vijayarajan, founder & CTO, InnAccel, the basic design is completed at the Coeo Labs, the InnAccel subsidiary and the Kaynes Technology in Mysuru which is armed with certificate for manufacture for these devices. We are also working on extensive customer demonstrations where enquiries would be converted into sales going by the potential of the devices.

More details about the company is available at : http://innaccel.com/
( http://pharmabiz.com/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=115043&sid=1 )

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