Our 31st Year of Publication

From Editor's Desk

MedTech Innovations

The Cover-Story in this issue highlights “What it takes to drive Innovation in India’s Medical Device Sector.

A detailed report by KPMG along with “Asia Pacific Medical Technology” has rightly mentioned that “Collaboration among stakeholder in India could be the key to promoting further the development of quality, high-end medical devices that can pinpoint and address patient needs and offer sustainability”.

Report identifies following key areas :

• Supportive Regulations & Policies • Incentivising Research • Robust Digital Infrastructure • Making Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Mainstream • Conducive Ecosystem • Workforce upskilling and Cross-Skilling.

Mr. D.L. Pandya


As rightly quoted by Mr Emest Cavin, VP International Sales, Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems, “Innovation is not just birth of an idea, but its journey to reality. And that journey is championed by the talented individuals who dare to dream, who dare to challenge, who dare to disrupt”.


A recent publication by “Indian Innovators Association” headed by Dr A S Rao enlists “Top 100 Innovations” of which healthcare innovations take lion’s share.


As observed in the book, many innovators are practicing medical professionals and others in bio-technology have strong linkages with research institutions.


The above publication shares several cases of industry academia linkages, technology spill over startups and technology licencing opportunities including about 23 from Healthcare Industry. Out of these, detailed information about technology , innovation and process of commercialization by following two entrepreuners is given in this issue :


01 Prof. Jayesh Bellare, IITB Mumbai for “Dialysis-Grade Membranes”
02 Mr Leo Mavely, Founder & CEO, Axio Biosolutions for “Protonated Bio-Adhessive Polymer Technology (PBT).


In a well explained article, Mr Jatin Mahajan, Managing Director, J.Mitra & Company and Secretary, Association of Diagnostics Manufacturers of India, on the Government Policy to catalyse growth of Indian Medical Device Industry, louds the New Medical Device Policy 2023 ( NMDP2023).


This issue also includes a very detailed technical article on “Sterilization of Healthcare Products By Gamma Radiation “ by Mr Amit Srivastava, DGM , Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (Isomed), Mumbai.


On behalf of All India Plastics Manufacturers Association (AIPMA), “MEDICAL PLASTICS DATA SERVICE“ conceptualised and organized a dedicated “Medical & Healthcare Plastic Pavilion” in conjunction with a series of Seminar Sessions focused on opportunities in the Medical Plastics & Devices Sectors as part of “Plastivision India 2023” Exhibition as highlighted in this issue. The Knowledge Pavilion, with the help of Posters, Samples, Models, Audio-visuals, series of technical presentations by Experts, created awareness about various opportunities for existing and potential entrepreneurs in the Medical Plastics/ Devices & Pharmaceuticals domains.


This issue also includes our regular features like Regulatory, Association & Industry News, Global Markets & Trends, Events etc.

D.L. Pandya

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